Strawberry horchata recipe

Strawberry Horchata Recipe: A Refreshing Twist on a Classic Drink

Published on: May 21, 2024 at 20:47

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Welcome to the delightful world of strawberry horchata, a refreshing twist on the traditional Mexican beverage. Horchata is a beloved drink known for its creamy texture and sweet cinnamon flavor. Adding strawberries elevates this classic drink with fruity freshness, perfect for any occasion. This article will guide you through the ingredients, preparation, and tips for making the best strawberry horchata. Let’s dive into this delicious adventure!

Strawberry horchata recipe

What is Horchata?

Horchata is a traditional Mexican beverage made from rice, milk, vanilla, and cinnamon. Its origins can be traced back to Spain, where it was initially created with tiger nuts. Over time, the recipe evolved, and in Mexico, rice became the primary ingredient. The result is a creamy, sweet drink that is both refreshing and satisfying. Adding strawberries to horchata introduces a fruity flavor that complements the classic ingredients perfectly.

Strawberry horchata recipeWhat is the origin of horchata?

Horchata originated in Spain and is traditionally made from tiger nuts. It has various versions across Latin America; you can find more about it on Wikipedia.

Ingredients for strawberry horchata including fresh strawberries, high-quality rice, cinnamon sticks, vanilla beans, organic milk, fine sugar, and filtered water.

Ingredients for Strawberry Horchata

To make strawberry horchata, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup long-grain white rice
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 cup sliced strawberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 cup milk (whole, almond, or oat milk)
  • 1/2 cup sugar (adjust to taste)
  • One teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • One teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • Additional strawberries for garnish (optional)
  • Ice cubes (optional)

These ingredients are easy to find and affordable, making strawberry horchata a convenient and budget-friendly beverage.

Step-by-Step Preparation

Step 1: Soak the Rice

To ensure a smooth texture for your horchata:

  1. Start by rinsing the rice under cold water until the water runs clear. This will remove any excess starch.
  2. Place the rinsed rice in a large bowl and add 4 cups of water.
  3. Let the rice soak for at least 4 hours or overnight for the best results.

Soaking the rice softens it, making blending and extracting flavors easier.

strawberry horchata

Step 2: Blend the Rice and Water

After soaking:

  1. Transfer the rice and water mixture to a blender.
  2. Blend quickly until the rice is finely ground and the mixture is smooth, typically 2-3 minutes.
  3. Strain the blended mixture through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a large pitcher to remove rice solids.
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This step ensures your horchata is smooth and free of any gritty texture.

Strawberry horchata recipe

Step 3: Add Strawberries

Next, add the sliced strawberries to the blender. If you’re using fresh strawberries, hull them first. If using frozen strawberries, thaw them slightly before blending. Blend the strawberries until they are pureed and smooth. Add the strawberry puree to the rice water mixture in the pitcher.

Step 4: Mix in Milk, Sugar, Vanilla, and Cinnamon

Pour the milk into the pitcher, then add the sugar, vanilla extract, and ground cinnamon. Stir well to combine all the ingredients. Taste the horchata and adjust the sugar according to your preference. Some people prefer a sweeter drink, while others may like it less sweet.

Strawberry horchata recipe

Step 5: Chill and Serve

Cover the pitcher and refrigerate the horchata for at least 2 hours or until well chilled. The flavors blend beautifully when allowed to meld. When you’re ready to serve, give the horchata a good stir. Pour the strawberry horchata into glasses over ice cubes for a refreshing touch. Garnish with additional strawberry slices and a sprinkle of cinnamon if desired.

"Rinsing and hulling fresh strawberries for horchata."

Tips for the Best Strawberry Horchata

  1. Quality Ingredients: For the best flavor, use fresh, ripe strawberries. If using frozen strawberries, ensure they are high-quality and free of added sugars.
  2. Sweetness Level: Adjust the sugar to your taste. Start with half a cup and add more if needed. Remember, the sweetness of the strawberries will also affect the overall taste.
  3. Milk Options: Traditional horchata typically uses whole milk, but it can be substituted with almond milk, oat milk, or any plant-based milk for a dairy-free version.
  4. Straining: For an ultra-smooth horchata, strain the mixture twice. First, strain the rice water, then add the final mix after adding the strawberry puree.
  5. Chilling Time: Allowing the horchata to chill for a few hours enhances the flavor. Make it ahead of time and refrigerate until ready to serve.
  6. Suggestions: Serve strawberry horchata as a refreshing drink on a hot day, a sweet treat with brunch, or a unique beverage at parties. It pairs wonderfully with Mexican dishes like tacos, enchiladas, and tamales.

final horchata presentation

Health Benefits of Strawberry Horchata

Strawberry horchata is not only delicious but also offers several health benefits:

  • Hydration: The water content in horchata helps keep you hydrated, especially when served over ice.
  • Nutrient-Rich: Strawberries contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including vitamin C and manganese.
  • Digestive Health: “Did you know that incorporating rice and cinnamon into your diet can help with digestion and provide soothing relief for your stomach?”
  • Low-Calorie Option: You can make a lower-calorie version of this delightful drink by using plant-based milk and adjusting the sugar.
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Recipe Notes

  1. Get Creative with Garnishes: Feel free to get creative with your garnishes! Adding a few extra strawberry slices, a sprinkle of cinnamon, or even a mint leaf can make your strawberry horchata look as unique as it tastes.
  2. Perfect for Meal Prep: This drink is great for making ahead. Prepare a batch of strawberry horchata and keep it in the fridge. It’s ideal for having a refreshing beverage ready whenever you need it.
  3. Adjust to Your Taste: Be bold and tweak the recipe to suit your preferences. If you prefer sweeter, add a little more sugar. Would you like a richer flavor? Try using whole milk or creamy plant-based milk.
  4. Ideal for Parties: Strawberry horchata is a fantastic party drink. It’s unique, refreshing, and sure to impress your guests. Plus, you can quickly whip up big batches of this drink to ensure everyone’s glasses stay complete and hassle-free!

Enjoy your delicious strawberry horchata and happy sipping!

Strawberry horchata recipe

Strawberry horchata

Strawberry horchata is a refreshing and creamy twist on the classic Mexican beverage. This delightful drink combines the sweet and creamy flavors of traditional horchata with the fresh, fruity taste of strawberries. Perfect for summer days or any time you need a cool, sweet treat, this strawberry horchata is easy to make and sure to impress.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 4 hours
Chilling Time 2 hours
Total Time 6 hours 15 minutes
Course Beverage
Cuisine Mexican
Servings 6


  • Blender
  • Fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth
  • Large bowl
  • Large pitcher
  • Measuring cups and spoons


  • 1 cup long-grain white rice
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 cup sliced strawberries fresh or frozen
  • 1 cup milk whole, almond, or oat milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar adjust to taste
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Additional strawberries for garnish optional
  • Ice cubes optional


  • Soak the Rice: Rinse the rice under cold water until the water runs clear. Place the rice in a large bowl and add 4 cups of water. Let it soak for at least 4 hours or overnight.
  • Blend the Rice and Water: Transfer the soaked rice and water to a blender. Blend until smooth. Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a large pitcher.
  • Add Strawberries: Blend the sliced strawberries until smooth. Add the strawberry puree to the rice water mixture.
  • Mix in Milk, Sugar, Vanilla, and Cinnamon: Pour in the milk, then add sugar, vanilla extract, and ground cinnamon. Stir well to combine. Adjust sugar to taste.
  • Chill and Serve: Refrigerate the horchata for at least 2 hours. Serve over ice cubes and garnish with strawberry slices if desired.


Serve as a refreshing drink on hot summer days.
Pair with Mexican dishes like tacos, enchiladas, or tamales.
Enjoy as a sweet treat at brunch or parties.
Keyword Homemade horchata, Mexican drink recipe, Refreshing summer beverage, Strawberry drink, Strawberry horchata recipe


Strawberry horchata

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You can use brown rice for a slightly nuttier flavor and more fiber. The process is the same, though soaking might take a bit longer.
Horchata is traditionally made from rice, water, milk, sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon. Some variations use different types of milk and add flavors like strawberries.
Yes, you can substitute almond milk for a dairy-free version of horchata. "It imparts a delicate nutty flavor that pairs well with the drink."
If stored in an airtight container, homemade horchata can last up to five days in the refrigerator. Stir well before serving.
Horchata can be nutritious, especially with plant-based milk and less sugar. It is hydrating and provides some vitamins and minerals.

final horchata presentation


Strawberry horchata is a delightful and refreshing twist on the classic Mexican beverage. Its creamy texture, sweet cinnamon flavor, and fresh strawberry taste make it a perfect drink for any occasion. Following this simple recipe and using high-quality ingredients can create a delicious homemade strawberry horchata that will impress your friends and family.

It will surely be a hit if you’re enjoying a sunny day, hosting a brunch, or looking for a unique beverage to serve at a party. So, gather your ingredients, follow the steps, and indulge in the deliciousness of strawberry horchata. Cheers to this beautiful blend of tradition and innovation!

We hope you enjoyed this journey into making delicious strawberry horchata! This refreshing twist on a classic Mexican drink will become a favorite in your home. Whether serving it at a summer party, enjoying it with family, or just looking for a sweet and refreshing treat, It is the perfect choice.

If you tried this recipe, we’d love to see your creations! Share your strawberry horchata on Pinterest, and tag us on #Joymelife. Let’s spread the joy of this delightful drink together! Cheers to refreshing moments and delicious drinks!

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